Terminal program

Terminal v1.9b by Br@y++

Terminal by Bray is a freeware program that can read and store data coming from the serial ports.
You can download the latest version from here.

Terminal program start up screen. Click to get a larger version.

Choose the correct Com-port and click connect in the top left corner in the program.

If you have an Arduino (or radio) connected you should receive data in the terminal.

If you want to store the data you can find a button labelled “StartLog”.

A popup will appear asking you where to store the log-file. Choose your folder and file name and press “Open”.

The terminal will now write all the data coming in from this point and until you press “StopLog”.

After you are done logging data, you can open the text-file in any text editor.

If the data is plain numbers with commas between it is easy to copy into Excel or other mathematical programs.